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News: PoA Movie Running Time? | by Andrew |
25 Apr, 2004:
Garth from Dark Horisons is reporting that Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban will have a running time of 142 minutes, or two hours and twenty-two minutes. This information reportedly comes directly from the distributor, but may include the credits, which bumps up the 135 minute figure previously reported.
Remember, until officially confirmed by Warner Brothers, this is just a rumor.
PercyWeasley.com No More? | by Andrew |
1 Dec, 2004:
Yeah, I guess that's pretty much right. I keep trying to get something going on the site, and our good computer breaks down, or something in life gets in the way.
I guess I'll just stand in the back and try to work some stuff out. Who knows? Maybe sometime this summer the new release will be ready. But I'm not making promises. I've already broken too many of those.
Keep checking back, news will be updated, maybe you'll see some changes every once and a while. I've decided to keep the rest of the site open to your browsing needs. Maybe you could use some of the information in it still for some unknown reasons. Happy browsing!
News: Four Cast Members to be on American Tour | by Mary |
13 Jan, 2004:
Matthew Lewis, Devon Murray, James & Oliver Phelps will be coming to the United States for some time this spring, making public appearances for two weekends, official sources have said.
There has been one location confirmed so far: Main Place Mall, in Santa Ana, California.
Thanks to The Leaky Cauldron for the info.
News: Fanfiction and the Media | by Mary |
4 Jan, 2004:
From The Age:
In the marketing milli-second that parts the latest Harry Potter book from an impending Harry Potter movie, lunch box or confectionery range, J. K. Rowling's mass audience has found a way to amuse itself. Hungry for Hogwarts, and always eager to follow fresh narratives, addicts of Harry have found a way to take the edge off: they simply create new stories themselves.
Despite a threat of legal notices and continued aloofness by the more upright literary community, this work is flourishing. HP-inspired fiction has even given rise to its own stars, some of whom rival Rowlings's own talent for rococo prose and colossal word count. These exuberant HP writers are the latest heirs to a literary tradition known as fan fiction, or fanfic. The genre is staffed by fans of a specific book, television show or movie. Using established characters and surroundings, writers arm themselves with a healthy sense of creative entitlement and let it rip.
Since I am an avid reader of HP fanfic, this is a really interesting article. Click for more at the link!
News: Dobby Look-alike Contest? No... | by Andrew |
3 Jan, 2004:
Remember last year when we showed you the resemblance between Russia's Vladimir Putin and the digital Dobby in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets? Well now, according to The Montreal Gazette, a Russian law firm announced plans to sue the special-effects people who created the computerize house-elf "Dobby." Why? They say that "The creature is an insulting caricature of Russian President Vladimir Putin."
This short article and more recapping 2003 can be found online at The Montreal Gazette.
News: John Williams the Grand Marshal | by Mary |
1 Jan, 2004:
Thanks to iharrypotter for the heads up:
John Williams will be the Grand Marshal of the Tournament of Roses in Pasadena, CA. He is the composer of the music in such films as Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, and Star Wars.
The Tournament of Roses is a parade in which all of the floats are created using only flowers, fruits or vegetables. After the parade, there is an American university football game against the Big Ten league of universities and the Pac Ten (Pacific Ten) league of universities at the Rose Bowl Stadium.
News: Dobby Look-alike Contest? No... | by Andrew |
3 Jan, 2004:
Remember last year when we showed you the resemblance between Russia's Vladimir Putin and the digital Dobby in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets? Well now, according to The Montreal Gazette, a Russian law firm announced plans to sue the special-effects people who created the computerize house-elf "Dobby." Why? They say that "The creature is an insulting caricature of Russian President Vladimir Putin."
This short article and more recapping 2003 can be found online at The Montreal Gazette.
News: Dan Radcliffe 'Interview' | by Andrew |
1 Jan, 2004:
Last month we were told that DanRadcliffe.com & DanRadcliffe.co.uk were asked by Dan and his family to host a unique project for his fans. Both sites have posted the 100 questions answered by Daniel. Click here to learn his new year resolution and about his work in the Harry Potter films! (site could be down due to bandwidth issues.. just keep trying back!)
A nice note to all his fans can be found by clicking "full story" below.
News: First look at Buckbeak? | by Mary |
31 Dec, 2003:
From The Sun:
The Sun has posted the first pic of Buckbeak, the hippogriff from Harry Potter. The model is made of real feathers and is operated using complex hydrolics.
News: JK Dislikes Daddy? | by Andrew |
17 Dec, 2003:
From The Sunday Mirror:
The distraught father of Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling last night told how he feared his famous daughter would never speak to him again.
In an exclusive interview, Peter Rowling spoke of his anguish after his daughter - who with her £280 million fortune is richer than The Queen - failed to help bail him out after his business went bust.
She is furious with him for selling a collection of rare Harry Potter first editions to help cover £100,000 debts after his mobile burger bar went under.
Click here for the full story.
News: Chris Rankin update! | by Andrew |
17 Dec, 2003:
From Chris Rankin Online by way of WizardNews:
Just a quick reminder, folks. As you may already know, Chris is appearing in Telford's Oakengates Theatre's panto this year, and it's rapidly approaching. If you wish to attend their production of Snow White, here's all the info you need:
Runs December 19 - January 11 For tickets, phone the box office at 01952 619020 Panto homepage
[Chris will be playing Percival the Henchman in this production of Snow White.]
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